Page name: The World of Lienae [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-29 21:42:58
Last author: Windstar
Owner: Windstar
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Welcome to the World of Lienae! This is mainly a roleplay wiki, but the roleplaying will be charted down as a story too, so people are welcome to come just to read it. I, Windstar, am in charge, but I may get some helpers later if this gets busy.

This wiki is still in the setting up stage. If you want to roleplay here, you will need to pm me and tell me the sort of character you want. I will then create a character for you that fits the storyline. Later, when this is more organized, you will be able to submit a character to me fully formed, and I will either accept it or not. If you can come up with a good enough character and background, that fits the storyline, then I may well accept it as is at this time.

As the owner of this wikipage and creator of the original storyline, I reserve the right to kill off your character if you try to do something completely out of character or that disrupts the storyline too far. I will, however, warn you ahead of time, and will not gratuitously kill off any characters.

[Avoral] is my official helper.

Lienae is a magical world, full of elves and sprites, orcs and goblins, humans, fairies, and other named and unnamed creatures. Mages ride griffons, or dragons, or whatever they please - innocent maidens greet unicorns in moonlit meadows - kings marry queens, princes pursue princesses, and generally it seems a fairybook land.

This fairybook feel is only the surface of Lienae, however. Beneath, there are as many or more problems as our world, as many mistakes. Good triumphs over evil for the most part, true, but evil triumphs once in a while as well. There are rapists and murderers, sociopaths and prejudice, all made worse by the easy availablity of magic. And lately, things have been getting even worse.

Mirala, the evil goddess that is constantly trying to destroy all that is right and good, is forming an enormous army of the dark, hidden beasts and creatures of the world. And she means to use it to take over Lienae.

Lienae Characters - Nine profiles up, three open for application!

The Story of Lienae - the rp is up and running!

Lienae Chapters - the record of the story thus far.

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2004-06-15 [Avoral]: Tomorrow being the 16th, or what?

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: Fifteenth, for me. We must be in radically different time zones. I'll give the starting scenario when I get home from school, probably. Oh, I may have forgotten to mention this...roleplaying will be in story style. IE, propergrammar(if I see it messed up, and I will be picky, I will go in there and fix it, bu too much of it and I will probably bug you about it) and written so it reads like a book. It may be a bit difficult at first, but after a little practice I hope we can write smoothly together like this. It helps that the site only allows one person to be editing the wiki at a time *grin*.

2004-06-15 [spee]: *nods* Oh yeah. *glomps WindStar*

2004-06-15 [Windstar]: Sorry guys, I'll have to put up the new character and stuff tomorrow...I forgot about needing to play with the band at graduation tonight.

2004-06-16 [spee]: *glomp* bummer.

2004-06-16 [Avoral]: Oh, cool, like past-tense, with good description and all that? (That's how I do ALL my RP anyway, don't worry... Hehe...)

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: LOL. Exactly. I rp like that usually too, but I thought I should warn people because it's not what most people do.

2004-06-16 [spee]: *Glomp*

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: There's a new part up for grabs, people!

2004-06-16 [spee]:   >.>  !   <.<

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: What's wrong?

2004-06-16 [spee]: Yay! *Glomp*

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: *confused look* What's yay about? And have you looked at the new characters? *grin*

2004-06-16 [spee]: Yup! The Lauren guy looks cool! Kinda like Perrin, though. ^-^

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: *sigh* I specifically tried to avoid that. And I'm setting up the standard character types first - the quiet blacksmith is one of them. Notice Lauren has no compunctions about bringing a weapon, as Perrin would.

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: And Lauren has nothing to do with wolves.

2004-06-16 [spee]: -_-() I meant his personality.

2004-06-16 [Windstar]: *sigh* I know. Keep in mind Perrin is a standard adventure story personality.

2004-06-16 [spee]: I know. 0.o

2004-06-17 [Pnelma Tirian]: I like.

2004-06-17 [Avoral]: Yes! My character's up!

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